Levi Xu
May 6, 2010 10:18:26 GMT -5
Post by Levi Xu on May 6, 2010 10:18:26 GMT -5
The easy S T U F F . . .Name: Levi Jun Xu
Nickname: Levi
Age: Fourteen
Member Group: Student
Power(s): Trans-dimensional perception; he can see what people are like in other dimensions. (He sees people based on other characters played by the playby.)
Play By: Hao Ming YuLet it F L O W . . .Dear Journal,
I'm supposed to be writing in a journal for the doctor to read. I don't like the one he gave me though. The lines are too far apart. Nomi gave me this journal for my birthday last year, when I turned twelve, because Nai Nai said she had to give me a birthday present and she had it in her room from when someone gave it to her years and years ago. And she still didn't write in it because she doesn't like journals because she doesn't like to be reminded later that she sometimes says things that aren't really true. But she believes them entirely anyway and then she feels like an idiot later when someone tells her she was wrong. But she should be used to it by now, being wrong, right? I mean, she's wrong all the time. It's just the way she is, like Dad needs glasses and Nai Nai is old and I can tell that people are hiding things just by looking at them.
I probably should have started with that one, shouldn't I?
My name is Levi Jun Xu. The Jun is from my grandfather and means handsome in Chinese. The Levi is because my mom converted when she was a teenager because her best friend was Jewish. She died when I was two, in a car accident. It's bad, but I really don't remember what she sounded like. I can't tell Nomi that though, because she was six when it happened and she remembers it all a lot better because she was in the car too. Nomi's my big sister, in case I didn't tell you. Which I don't think I did. Anyway, she's my big sister and she's secretly a witch but I can't talk about that around Nai Nai because she's really superstitious. Nai Nai is my grandmother on my dad's side who moved in with us after mom died because my grandfather (Ye Ye) died a few years earlier. I think she would have moved in with us earlier but she didn't like my mom all that much because she wasn't Chinese enough. Or that's what Nomi says at least, but Nomi is wrong about a lot of things. Except for that she's a lot like my dad, who's a doctor. He works in the emergency room so he's got weird hours and he needed another adult around to make sure we didn't burn down the house or something when he was at work.
Dad works at this hospital, actually. I wonder if he's friend's with my doctor. I don't think so, since he keeps saying my name wrong. Both parts. He says Leevye like he was talking about the jeans when it's really Levee, like taxes or dams. And Xu is closer to shoe than zoo, but people get that wrong all the time too. And that would make my dad Dr. Zoo which just sounds silly. Nomi Zoo. Hehe, that last one actually sounds like a Pokemon, if you think about it. The Nomizoo. It eats things.
Dear Journal,
Dad says I was using you wrong. I'm sorry, journal. I'll try to do better. He said I was supposed to write about the things which I know about people. So I'll try that: Nomi thinks I'm kind of a brat. Dad doesn't want people to call me crazy. Nai Nai misses Ye Ye a lot. My other favorite doctor besides dad killed himself when he was younger because his dad hated that he wanted to be an actor and was too different. I'm not sure how he's my doctor now.
-LeviBehind the M A S K . . .Name: Tony
Age: Four
RP Experience: Eleventy-six
How did you find us?: MagicShow your S K I L L S . . .Show us a sample of your rp talents. Don't worry about any fancy coding, just give us text. It can be from another site, but we'd like to see you with this character. It's up to you though. Just make sure it is a realistic average post for you, not the one time you wrote three thousand words.