Zach's Limits and such.
Dec 20, 2013 14:27:08 GMT -5
Post by Walther Ebersbacher on Dec 20, 2013 14:27:08 GMT -5
What is your plotting philosophy?
A starting premise is usually all I need, maybe a bit of details as to where we see it going. Other than that, though, we can do any sort of plot twist or turn!
What types of plots are you interested in playing?
Almost anything, try me, and we'll see.
What types of plots are you not interested in playing?
However, I wont play boohoo attention grab plots about how miserable a character is. Those just aren't fun to me. The exception is obviously if there was a cause /beforehand/ in another RP of ours or yours.
How often can you reply to any given thread?
I'm around often, so you'll find that my replies can be pretty quick!
What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
I'll wait for a couple of weeks/until you express disinterest before letting a thread die. I wont bother you, too much. But I might remind you if you've been active elsewhere and just forgot about it.
Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?
I don't really have an IMs.
Are you open to post volleying?
I've never heard this terminology. But if it's in an RP sense, that's just fine by me!
Anything else?
Not really!
What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
Make it reasonable, folks. I don't mind these things if there's a good reason to them, but the farther out it goes, I'd like it to just be discussed before-hand, first. As an example "Hey, I was planning on picking up your character and carrying him off, is that cool with you?" Trust me, I'll appreciate it.
What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
I do not do straight relationships, nor will I ever. Other than that, it can either be plotted to make sense, or it can be organic and free-form.
What are your limits in regards to sex (within the TOS)?
Implying works just fine here.
What are your limits in regards to violent scenes (within the TOS)?
I'll play them out.
What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
As long as it's not contrived, I'll play it out. Doing it just for the sake of a crappy little angst-point will get no love from me.
Anything else?
Nothing really comes to mind.