Axt's Limits and Wants and Stuff (Oh My!)
Dec 20, 2013 19:23:09 GMT -5
Post by Kelly Thompson on Dec 20, 2013 19:23:09 GMT -5
What is your plotting philosophy?
I like to plot and figure out the general idea of the thread. Just something to start it off is good, after that it can twist and a take unexpected turns to our hearts' content. I also don't mind jumping in and winging it for an open thread or such. I'm fine with just dropping a couple of characters in a thread together to see what happens.
What types of plots are you interested in playing?
As of lately, getting my characters into relationships. I'm not really picky about what sort. A close friend they have a crush on, a commitment, or even a fling. I'd just like to get some love in their lives. I'd also like to get Sora some students if possible.
What types of plots are you not interested in playing?
Anything that could dramatically change my characters in a negative way (Well, maybe a break up every now and then). Being with others having a tough time is fine, but nothing that'll scar them or get them in huge trouble please.
How often can you reply to any given thread?
I'm on pretty often, so I reply when I can. The low would be about once a week give or take a day (There are occasions when I'll be on hiatus though).
What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
I'm loosy-goosy here. I can wait forever if you need the time. I don't prod for replies, so if someone seems to have no muse for the thread that's understandable, and I'll just assume it dead.
Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?
I'd love to, I just get too hectic with postholes and real life to actually do it…. Sorry.
Are you open to post volleying?
Sure thing, but I'm not usually on enough for that.
Anything else?
What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
I'm not really one for power playing. But little things like shaking hands, following someone into another room, hugging back, that sort of stuff is alright with me. As long as it doesn't just totally have my character act OOC or just could act as a reply itself I'm fine.
What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
I like the idea of plotting out relationships with other rpers, but when the characters are actually in the thread together I like to let it go naturally. I guess you could say I just hope for the best with ideas already in mind. Depending on which character, I'm alright with flings, commitments, breakups, and the whole nine-yards. (WARNING: I've never actually been in a relationship of any sort
What are your limits in regards to sex (within the TOS)?
I'd prefer it to be implied or fade to black please.
What are your limits in regards to violent scenes (within the TOS)?
Anything within the TOS. I'm not squirmish towards this subject.
What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
I'd rather have this sort of stuff in a character's history or past. Sexual abuse and such like that tends to get uncomfortable for me. If it's necessary for a plot, memories exist and people remember them.
Anything else?
Credit to Rhi-Rhi from Spirits of the Earth for this questionnaire.