Emily's Wants&Limits
Jan 23, 2014 23:38:55 GMT -5
Post by Eloise Eaton on Jan 23, 2014 23:38:55 GMT -5
What is your plotting philosophy?
I love having basic plots in mind, and even don't mind plotting way into the future once things get going. However, I don't like plotting long-term without testing the waters first.
What types of plots are you interested in playing?
I'm open to any and all plots that fit in reasonably well with the characters I have created. Most characters I create are reasonably open to different plots, though I feel the possibilities for huge twists become unlikely after a lot of character development. But even then, under the right circumstances, I may opt for a really strange twist.
What types of plots are you not interested in playing?
Simply plots that don't fit well with my characters. I can't force the characters I've created into a box so that a plot can work.
How often can you reply to any given thread?
Under normal circumstances I check Hammel at least once a day (maybe more). If I have replies, I reply back. Unless my muse is really dead you can expect quick replies from me - especially if we're online at the same time.
Due to my school work, however, there are times where I may not be able to be as active as I like to. I try to make this known so people I'm involved in threads with can expect a little more time than usual between posts.
What is the longest you're willing to wait for a reply to a thread?
I'm willing to wait as long as it takes. As an engineering student I strongly understand how real life is more important. I also understand how muses can come and go. As long as I'm not thrown to the wayside I don't mind waiting.
Are you open to RPing over instant messengers? If so, what's the best way to contact you and what times are you generally available?
I don't generally RP over instant messengers, though I am open to it for any more mature content. My Skype is emilybuj22, and availability depends on work and school. Also if you message me and it seems like I'm ignoring you, it's probably because I'm skyping my mom or boyfriend.
Are you open to post volleying?
Yes! This is probably where my best work comes from, actually. And the best thing to do is PM me and we can set up a time to both be online (which as long as my schedule isn't swamped shouldn't be too hard.
Anything else?
Not right now
What are you limits regarding powerplay/godmoding?
I don't mind if you describe your character doing something to mine. I don't care if you describe how your character perceives their reaction. Just don't give my character thoughts or actions yourself. That's my job.
What are your limits in regards to romantic situations?
I really like when relationships happen organically, but I am open to plotting too. Though I really only see plotting romantic situations as potential. Kind of like a blind date.
What are your limits in regards to sex (within the TOS)?
Fade to black. I have never written anything past the 'fade to black' stage. If time allows and somebody really wanted to, I'd consider doing so off Hammel.
What are your limits in regards to violent scenes (within the TOS)?
Anything within the TOS goes, as long as it makes sense in the situation. Anything that doesn't fit in with the TOS I'm willing to play outside of Hammel.
What are your limits in regards to abuse/rape in plots?
As these things happen in the real world, I don't hold any limits to plots involving abuse and rape. However it is something I try to make sure other people I'm playing with are comfortable with. I make sure I treat these topics with proper respect and appreciate when other players do the same.
Anything else?
I'm ReginaGeorge22 in the cbox. I realize this can be confusing. I apologize.
Credit to Rhi-Rhi from Spirits of the Earth for this questionnaire.