Kaylee Rose Thomas
Jun 3, 2014 20:08:08 GMT -5
Post by Kaylee Thomas on Jun 3, 2014 20:08:08 GMT -5
The easy S T U F F . . .Name: Kaylee Rose Thomas
Nickname: Leelee, Kay
Age: Twenty-two, April 24th
Member Group: Local
Power(s): Adaptation
Play By: Lupita Nyong'oLet it F L O W . . .Okay, no, this is gonna sound really weird, but I basically grew up on a boat. Yes, a boat. On a lake, not the ocean--goodness, I wish. My mama sold fish to people in a tourist town, and you'd be surpised how well she did for us. We weren't rich or anything, but I was never hungry, and that's more than can be said for some kids.
Oh, sorry! I guess that was a total buzzkill, wasn't it?
No, you're fine. You're much too beautiful for anything to lessen my buzz.
...O-kaaay? Anyway, I appreciate what I had growing up. Even if it didn't last too long. Yeah, I got, uh, a scholarship to a boarding school around here around when I was... fourteen?
Would it happen to be... that boarding school?
Oh, you know about it!
Yeah, my ex girlfriend was a... one of you.
That's great! Yeah, it was that one. I don't turn into a snake or lift cars or anything like that, in case you were worrying. I've got a weird one, I'm never really uncomfortable. In the summer, in the winter, underwater. Well, except if I wear a mini skirt, those always make me feel like I'm naked. But that's, well, not relevant and you definitely didn't need to know that.
Can you tell I'm nervous?
Why would you be nervous?
Oh, it's just, last date I was on didn't go too well. I don't exactly have the best track record since high school. Yeah, I'd rather not talk about that right now. Anyway, one cool thing is if I'm swimming I can breathe underwater. No, I couldn't demonstrate right now, oh my goodness. I have to be totally in the water for that to kick in and I can not get this sweater wet. Yeah, it can be useful but it's not much of a party trick. They found me cause I tried breathing underwater in a public swimming zone. For ten minutes. The lifeguards and other people, they freaked out. Word got around pretty quick there was a little girl that could breathe underwater, and I ended up at the school, Hammel.
That's pretty much it as far as that side of things. Anything else you'd want to know about me, while I'm at it?
What made you decide to stay here of all places, after you got out of that--that school?
Oh, I really prefer the way things are set up around here. I still go visit Mama every once in a while, but I stick around here cause my friends are here and my job connections are here, and it's actually a very good forward-thinking town for the most part. I left for a little while after I graduated from Hammel, but I didn't like anywhere I ended up nearly as much. I guess I got used to small town life, but with less... prejudice, I suppose, than other small towns.
So... What do you do for a living?
Oh, I have a few jobs. My primary right now is as a personal secretary, but I also work part time at Starbucks. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. An apartment isn't exactly free. I'd like to really get into law one day when I can afford all the schooling, primarily to help people--hey, don't laugh! I wasn't finished. I want to help people maintain their human rights.
That's cute, that's real cute. So hey, can it still be called human rights if you're not talking about normal humans?
Um, yes, it can, because we're still human people in case you didn't notice me sitting in front of you eating vegetarian ravioli.
Expensive vegetarian ravioli. Don't forget who's paying for that.
Ha, you're funny. Excuse me a second, I have to go to the washroom.
Sup, sweetie?
Dorie! Thank goodness. I'm stuck on a date with a total jerk. Can you run by the fancy Italian place off Third street and pick me up? I can't run out the front door alone and the bathroom windows aren't big enough to climb out of.
Sure thing, hun. I'll be by in five. Maybe less if I break a law or three.
Don't go breaking any laws for me. I can handle five. Call me when you get close so I have an excuse.
Have fun?
As much as one can have in a washroom.
That could be taken a few ways.
What do you--oh.
Oh. Um. Ha, that is not what I meant! At all. Anyway, um, what's your favourite book?
Lolita. Yours?
Oh. That's really hard for me to choose, see, I've loved books since I was little--I'd read them below deck while Mama had a day she was fishing on her own, and I'd read them behind the counter of her stand while she sold things. The ladies at the library loved me because I always came back with an opinion. I've held on to that ever since.
Oh, a smart girl. I like that in--
Oh! that's my phone. Hold on, sorry, she only calls if it's an emergency.
Ready to go?
The Italian place you went to for your birthday, why?
Oh, Leelee, it's so bad you're making things up. I'm around the corner. Hang up and make your apologies, I'll be right out front.
Oh my goodness! Okay. I'll be right out, swing by and pick me up and tell me what happened on the way.
You're gonna feel terrible for all this lying later.
Everything okay?
My friend's sister is in the hospital. I have to go, I'm sorry, tonight just was bad timing. I'll call you!
Wait, you don't even have my number!
Close the door, close the door!
The door is closed, just drive!
So you wanna talk about what happened back there?
Blind dates suck is what happened back there. I don't care if he was reccommended by a woman from church, he's obviously got issues with meta women. Well, women in general and also metas. I'd almost rather be back with Jacks.
Woah, slow down there, xenophobic sexist jerk does not mean pining for emotionally manipulative, isolationist, possessive jerk is okay.
Yeah, you're right. Sorry, it's been... hard on my own, Dorie.
You've been on three dates in two months, Kaylee. You just gotta get back into your flow of things, maybe date a few less men that women at church know. Maybe date a few women that people at church know.
That'd be great, but I think I'm just gonna go back to focusing on myself for a bit. It's easier to just be all business, you know?
Not really, but then you're the one that's good at dealing with people. Well hey, here's your apartment. Call me if you need to talk, okay? And don't forget we're going out tomorrow night, to the new fro-yo place. I hear they have a vegan option.
I'm not vegan anymore, but thank you for thinking of me. Still don't eat meat, so don't you even think about bringing me a burger. But I can do eggs and milk again.
So I can bring you one of dad's pies again!?
Yes, so you can bring me one of dad's pies again. Love you, Dorie. Goodnight.
Good morning, Leelee.
It's three pm.
Semantics. I just woke up anyway, so it's morning for me.
I figured as much. Anyway, I quit my job.
The coffee one?
The other one.
Oh. Oh wow. Kaylee, are you sure you wanted to do that? That was, and I'm quoting you directly, a huge opportunity for you.
I know, but I'm thinking maybe it's better to have this on my resume than as my current job. I just really don't like managing so much of the day of a man who is so incredibly rude and wrong.
Well good for you, but now what are you gonna do about rent?
... Shoot. I'll have to call Mama.
Oh, damn, this is that bad? Don't call your mom, just wait to see if you get more hours at Starbucks or something first.
Good plan. You know I'm not good at this whole life change thing.
So why'd you do it?
'Cause I cannot stand bullies. And Mister Fields is definitely a bully.
Ha! Shit, Leelee, this reminds me of eleventh grade. Remember the girl who made a huge fuss about her roommate making out with another girl?
Those girls weren't even doing anything wrong, I saw what she threw a fit about. Gabby Vaughan kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. It was very brave and sweet and wonderful and Priscillla was just out to get anyone different.
Which is ironic.
Don't I know it. I think she was insecure about her power the whole time, now that I think about it.
Or she's just a brat. Who knows, I haven't been in touch with her since then.
You haven't been in touch with her since you got her scheduled to twice-weekly sessions with the counsellor through to the day she graduated. Shocker.
Well someone had to make sure she didn't have her way. I've told you about this, Dorie, come on. I don't enjoy other people's pain the way you seem to be able to.
Hey, no fair.
I know. I'm sorry.
You must have enjoyed it a little, at least. She locked you in a freezer!
She was telekinetic and had no control over breaking the latch.
She was a bitch.
You assume too good of people you don't know, Leelee.
So you've told me. Can I come over, or is your dad busy?
Hold up.
Dorie? You're still on the phone.
Shit, sorry, Dad's making strawberry cobbler today. The deal with the supermarket is about to go through, he thinks. Dad says hi.
Hi, Dad!
You know I am so glad we "adopted" you.
So am I. Highschool would not have been the same without you and your dad to keep an eye on.
So he falls off a ladder once, come on. And I'm not a child. You need to stop that.
Stop what?
That thing where you pick on one flaw a person has or a mistake they made ages ago.
Oh. I do that?
You do that.
You know I don't mean to.
You still do it. Anyway, get over here, we'll talk more over hot strawberries.
And Dorie?
Yeah, Leelee?
Thank you, for being my friend.
Behind the M A S K . . .
Name: Ysa
Age: Seventeen. And a half.
RP Experience: Honestly I don't even remember anymore. Forever.
How did you find us?: I'm back?
Show your S K I L L S . . .
Kaylee sat in the diner and clutched at her cup of sweet tea, wondering if Dorie's father, mister Jordan, had been serious. Looking at him, she had seen no hint of mirth. There was no way she could accept that generosity, no way. Sure she couldn't afford rent at her apartment, but offering her a place to live?
Okay, not that far a stretch now that she thought about it. It was only logical, considering she was basically family, had a meagre income to offer towards the household, and needed a place to stay that wouldn't cause her to starve. Maybe she'd take him up on it, who knew. She decided to think on it, since he did give her that option.
The waitress arrived at Kaylee's table and gave her the bill and a smile. Kaylee returned the smile and dug in her purse. She frowned at the small bills, but pretty much emptied her wallet to make sure she left a decent tip. Sighing, she stayed at the table a while longer. She had almost decided to leave when someone tapped her on the shoulder, a voice very close to her ear saying, "Excuse me, are you using those napkins?" Kaylee jumped in her seat, and even while being so startled reached for the napkins at her table and replied. "No, here." She paused. "Is everything all right?"